Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Moving, Vintage Wedding, and Being in Limbo-Land...

I can honestly say that this summer has been near the top of the list of crazy summers!  I know that it's been about a month since I posted last.  I had been very busy preparing for the Carolina Vintage Market and after that weekend, I really had to completely focus on finding a place to live in the Greensboro, NC area and get ready for the next big move.  If you've been following along for a while, you'll know that our family has had to endure quite a few moves in the last three years, but this one has been especially difficult and I just needed to unplug for a while and focus on the homefront. Within one week's time, all of our belongings were packed up and moved, we celebrated my youngest daughter's birthday, and had a family wedding for my brother... Oh, and add daily swim practice and meets for the kids in there too!  If you've been following along on my Facebook page, you'll know that our family is smack in the middle of "limbo-land" and currently staying at my mom's house until we can get into our house in Greensboro in August...so there is more crazy to come!
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